
     So I stumbled upon a blog post from a person defending his belief/stand on something that I had at least some sort of knowledge about. I decided to read through the entire post and even went through some of the comments left by other individuals accompanied by his replies to each comment.

     You see, I am one who overanalyzes statements. I am one who tries to figure out a deeper meaning for something as menial as an added letter after a chat message? (My friend can truly attest to this.) There's something in me that if it clicks, I will just go on and on trying to understand what's behind it. Now, he made some assumptions about certain things that raised some, what I would say "journalistic," questions in my mind.

     It made me think about fallacies, as clearly titled in this post. Now, I'm not one of those who are very keen on detecting fallacious statements and reasoning, although I should try to more. If I do see faulty reasoning, or particularly in this case it was more reasoning-declaration, I tend to inquire. I mean, what made that person claim what they claim?

fal·la·cy noun \ˈfa-lə-sē\
: a wrong belief : a false or mistaken idea
: the quality of being false or wrong 

     It was here I asked (and this might seem extremely nerdy) did you conduct a properly acceptable survey so as to legitimately have such a statistical claim? I believe not. There he was declaring someone to be teaching spiritual fallacies and yet he himself contradict his own assertions (and also appear hypocritical) by then going on to claiming such a fallacious statement.

     I believe that what I am writing seems like such a shallow battle, but what I am questioning is just the foundation of a bigger argument. I am not questioning those branching out but rather where it seems to start. What I'm trying to say is, generalization, though it  may seem harmless most of the time, can be very touch and dangerous depending on what that generalization is and in what scale it is being done.

     P.s. I'm being extremely vague about everything so as to not add fuel to the fire.

And this is all I had to say for now.

God bless and Jesus loves you! :)

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