A Possibility: The Last Day

I thought I already let out all the feelings I had about the devastation of Yolanda, or Haiyan as it was internationally called, when I was able to visit the places affected. Then we watched Discovery's amazing documentary about the super typhoon and what it had done, and I was overwhelmed with feelings all over again. 

My heart was throbbing, aching for the people that had suffered. My eyes were welling up with tears and I was doing my best to prevent them from falling.
I thought, I was just watching movies and eating snacks while these things were happening; people were struggling, dying.

Think of the people who didn't get to know the Savior and now never will.
My brothers and sisters in the Lord, there is no time like the present. You don't need to join mission trips to share the gospel. Just look around you, there are plenty of opportunities. You never know,  it might be that stranger's last day on earth.

I remember a story I heard once, about a Christian guy that had this friend throughout college that was struggling with a lot of things. He had a lot of opportunities to share his faith with him, but he was too afraid to do so. 
Years passed by and they happened to bump into each other. The friend was now saved, and there was question he had for his Christian friend: "Why didn't you tell me?"


So go out and let us all share our faith, unafraid of rejection.

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